GRSF Annual Report

In FY22, GRSF continued delivering in its core areas of infrastructure safety and speed management, and made progress on several long-standing road safety priorities such as improving road safety data management, enhancing post-crash response, and assessing the socio-economic impacts of road safety. In addition, GRSF made headway on some emerging areas of work including motorization management, private financing, and research to address data inconsistency challenges and the disability burden.
Among other achievements in FY22, GRSF funded the assessment of approximately 1,800 km of roads, trained over 3,000 professionals, and published 31 articles and reports. With 20 new grants totaling $2.8 million approved, the active GRSF portfolio in FY22 increased to $14.1 million spanning 72 activities and covering 34 countries and several global initiatives.
GRSF also boosted road safety development financing through its role in informing and catalyzing World Bank investments. This year, GRSF reached new heights by catalyzing $949 million of new road safety financing approved by the World Bank, and a total of US$5.55 billion of newly approved transport investments by the World Bank—spanning 21 projects and 20 countries—were informed by GRSF with respect to road safety. These investments will save thousands of lives and prevent countless injuries in the years to come.
Read the 2022 Annual Report for more details on the many ways GRSF made a positive contribution to improve road safety in FY22.