GRSF Annual Report

GRSF 2016 Annual Report
The Global Road Safety Facility (GRSF), The Global Road Safety Facility (GRSF), a global partnership program hosted by the World Bank, was established in 2006 with a mission to help address the growing crisis of road traffic deaths and injuries in low and middle-income countries (LMICs). GRSF provides funding, knowledge, and technical assistance designed to scale-up the efforts of LMICs to build their scientific, technological and managerial capacities.
Since its inception, the GRSF has operated as a hybrid grant-making global program, allowing it to distribute funding externally for global, regional and country activities, and internally through World Bank-executed grants, which enhance the work of the World Bank’s transport global practice and leverage road safety investments in transport operations in client countries. Through this process over the last several years, GRSF has established itself as one of the highly impactful leaders of the global road safety agenda.
The Global Road Safety Facility has three main objectives, which are detailed in the Strategic Plan for 2013-2020. The GRSF management team is pleased to present the annual report for the 2015-2016 fiscal year.
Dr. Soames Job
Global Lead Road Safety and Head of the
Global Road Safety Facility