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Streets for life: Saving lives on the road through safe speeds

IDEAS IN ACTION: How can we save lives on the road through safe speeds?

Speed is one of the main risk factors in road crashes and is a leading contributor to death and serious injury. Higher speeds are associated with a significantly higher crash risk: even small increases in speed significantly increase the probability of death or injury. Traffic crashes are now a leading cause of death worldwide, and the number one cause of death and serious injury for young people aged 5 to 29.

In a bid to help address the collective impact of speed as a contributor to crash risks, the World Bank’s Global Road Safety Facility (GRSF) celebrates the 6th UN Global Road Safety Week (UNRSW) with the following activities 👇

📅  WEDNESDAY, MAY 19, 2021

High-level Panel "Streets for life: Saving lives on the road through safe speeds"

Watch recording

GRSF presentation


📅  THURSDAY, MAY 20, 2021

Official launch of the Low Speed Zone Guide “Empowering Communities to Manage Speed”

Watch Recordings

WRI/GRSF slides

Low-Speed Zone Guide event - May 20

Speed Management Hub

Under the new BIGRS Program 2020-2025, GRSF is the host of the Speed Management Hub. In this platform, the GRSF team provides evidence-based road safety knowledge to help manage speed through infrastructure interventions, effective enforcement, targeted awareness measures, and vehicle technology.

Visit the Hub


📑 Evidence-based knowledge to address the road safety crisis

Speed Cameras Cover       6 graphs note cover       What Works cover      Thailand speed report



Low-Speed Zone Guide

Low-Speed Zone Guide

This Low-Speed Zone Guide presents strategies for planning, designing, building, and evaluating low-speed zones in cities. The guide intends to equip communities and decision-makers with the tools to implement low-speed zones that will suit their specific context.

Download guide

Press release


What’s New

What are the benefits & costs of different road speeds?

What is the real cost of prioritizing cars over pedestrians? What are the implications of 🚗 car-centric planning, and why the economic value of trips made by foot is not being considered?

In this blog, GRSF provide answers, evidence-based arguments, and advocate for #StreetsForLife!

Read the blog


I, Soames Job, Global Lead Road Safety, World Bank and Head GRSF, support the #StreetsForLife call to action, joining the global movement for low speed, liveable communities worldwide.


In 2022, world leaders will meet at the high-level meeting on road safety. Together we will bring a united message to demand streets for life. Will you join us?

Get inspired 👇

Ghana Story

Improving road safety through speed management in Accra

Watch Video 

Bogota Story

Saving lives on the road through speed management in Bogotá

6,410+ Lives Saved!

💡 Managing Traffic Speeds and Reaping Safety, Climate and Other Benefits


The webinar addressed rebuilding back better post-COVID 19, considering safe speeds through enforcement, communications and road infrastructure. The webinar was a World Bank pre-event for the UN Global Road Safety week, targeting implementation of lower speeds. Participants were invited discuss their experience with speed management activities under World Bank operations.

Learn more here

💡 Take action & share!

By joining the #StreetsForLife campaign, GRSF is advocating for low speed streets worldwide. Why #Love30? Road traffic crashes are preventable, and 30km/h speeds protect road users, prevent deaths, and save lives! 

Download our Social Media Toolkit and help us spread the word!

💬 Join the #StreetsForLife & #Love30 conversation

Very pleased to join this panel at the occasion of UN Global Road Safety week 👇🏼 Safe speeds save lives! #StreetsforLife #Love30 @UNGRSW @UNRSC #UNRSW

— Susanna Zammataro (@ZammataroS) May 14, 2021